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A Bird's-Eye View

Excerpt from the Prologue

The magic is far beyond what our eyes can see.

The story I'm about to tell happened long ago, in lands far from here, beyond Cinder Straits, the Crag Range, and the Hanging Valleys. All the characters who lived through the following events are gone, and today nothing remains of that time but the ruins left by a people of great esteem. Some say it's nothing more than an ancient legend told by the elders around village bonfires since it remained hidden for so many centuries, but I was there and saw it with my own eyes. I saw, looked, and understood. Although very old, the memories remain vivid in my mind until today. But my journey is finally coming to an end. Something different has awakened in my heart, and I assume that the life I was given will soon return to earth. The world has changed, and my time has been wasted. I saw friends and family say goodbye to me and return to their homes in the stars. I sang ancient chants in honor of their lives and honored their souls as they flew and disappeared into the dark, thinking of the day I would join them again. But I stayed here, and here I am to this day.

Over the cycles, I have witnessed countless extraordinary events. I was afraid when the ground shook, opening deep cracks that ripped through the earth, and I hid in caves for weeks when the mountains exploded, allowing dark clouds of thick ash to fill the sky. But I also had fun watching the sunflowers turning in the fields for hours in search of a hug, or even in the frequent conversations with God, in which He never answered me, just toasted the world with a beautiful sunset, totally different from the night before. While the first decades passed quickly before my eyes, the centuries that followed were long and completely faded all the beautiful and vivid colors of the past. Alone, I wandered through unknown lands and inhospitable places. I met primitive peoples and advanced civilizations, walked through deserts of red sand and biting wind, went down silent rivers, dived in crystalline lakes, sailed in rough seas, and got lost in cities built and ruined by stones.



"Leo's visionary talent. A delightful fable full of philosophical metaphors of life, masterfully told by the new and talented Brazilian writer Leonardo Bandeira. There is no doubt that we are facing a premiere in great style! Everything in the story invites us to take a magical journey through a world idealized by him but can perfectly be found within us. The richness of detail in Leo's narrative is a spectacle in itself, which reaffirms literature's beauty, charm, and importance in our lives. It makes us live and dream. I can't wait for the sequel, far beyond the eyes of Clara."
Henrique Netto Silva, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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